Increasingly Militant Trans Activists Take Aim at Christians, Women & Conservatives

The same week that trans activists published a website that lists activists and organizations that have countered trans tyranny in the USA, a publication that focuses on war and conflict featured a story called “Trans and Dangerous” which is written by a trans-identifying male in Oregon, Riles Kiley.

page layout shared on Kiley’s Facebook page says “If the World is Dangerous, You Have to be Dangerous Back”.

It wasn’t long ago that the following picture of Liar Thomas, the male in disguise who cheated female swimmers by competing as a female, was shared on social media. It appears that Liar Thomas is also part of the Trantifa scene.

Images like the one below showing firearms with a message stating “Protect Trans Rights” aren’t uncommon on social media.

Trans activists are routinely seen wearing shirts that imply they will resort to violence to continue the practices of sterilizing young confused children and surgically altering their bodies.

T-shirt ad on Google

What’s coming into focus is a well-organized movement that allows violent misogynistic men to take out their hatred against women under the guise of trans activism. Women have been the most organized and outspoken against the transgender movement in the USA and have faced clashes with violent Trantifa activists while rallying for the defense of women’s rights against this nefarious movement in several states.

Women aren’t the only targets though. The recently published website, Trans Data Library, targets Christians, Catholics, Conservatives, as well as people who hold support ideas, ideologies, or concepts the trans authors of the page do not support. A fundraiser for the page raised $13,000 in 52 days.

Despite The Advocate (an LGBTQ publication) saying the Trans Data Library contains information about the trans community, it is similar to the list kept by the Southern Poverty Lie Center in that it is really a list of people and organizations that the authors hate. With groups like the SPLC and Trans Data Library targeting reasonable Americans who object to the erasure of reality and sex-based rights, we could see even more unhinged transpretenders on hormones attacking innocent people. The SPLC was already the inspiration for one attempted murder. These organizations seem to be providing the hit list. These are the same people who call anyone who questions sterilizing and butchering children “fascists”.

We still haven’t seen the manifesto of the trans-identified Nashville assassin who murdered 6 people, including children in a Christian school. The politicians, corporations, academics, Hollywood, and media that have empowered and fueled this movement and its vitriol should be ashamed of themselves. This movement needs to be put down quickly by passing common sense laws that stop the medicalization and surgeries that are associated with “transitioning” because it is fraudulent, harmful, unethical, and medically unnecessary. The changes to documents and identifications to reflect fake identities also must be banned. Doing so will return us to a level playing field. Presently, a privileged group of mostly men disguised as women are trodding on the rights of everyone as they get more tyrannical and militant. This is a very concerning trajectory and responsible leaders in the USA should recognize the monster they have created.

It is un-American to create lists of people who you disagree with for the purpose of targeting them. As long as the list is up, I suggest that reasonable people who oppose gender ideology and recognize all of its downstream carnage give the organizations and people listed a follow on social media, get involved with a like-minded organization, and help pass legislation to “disarm” this movement.


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